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anything turning up for himself - Old Wilson has expressed his opinion lately that Whitmore is doing more harm than good and that there is no denying things are going on well - What is being done about Curlings business There is no doubt I conclude about dispensing with him - everyone expects it and it wd. be much resented by all the respectable portion of the community if it were otherwise - There is some inconvenience arising from the want of an R. M. to act and I am thinking of trying to get old 'Anderson' to act temporarily, if he will I shall get Gisborne to agree - I have had 2 or 3 deputations within the last few days urging that the public is suffering inconvenience. Do you not know of any good man in the North. He must be a lawyer and sufficiently respectable to be made District Judge as well as R. M. such an appointment will be a great public convenience - I want to hear from you soon about the Taupo Meeting when you can be there - You will find you will be able to do something at it - At any rate the West Taupo Natives will take that occasion to come in so Poihipi tells me - Also the Arawa pay question must be settled it will do harm soon unless it is - Fox is still in the south and gives a favorable account of the feeling there - Did you notice Rolleston in his Speech said he hoped