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been thinking of her since daylight and hoping that she is well and able to attend to her mother. The weather is lovely. I had such a refreshing bathe. I am so comfortable that in future I think my little slave must travel with me. I know it would do her a great deal of good and improve her health amazingly. I wish I was with you at Dalmuir Hill but do not be severe on me for not going at once as I have several duties which really must be attended to before I can possibly leave and although I said 6 weeks on leaving you know pet that 4 out of 6 were so severe that I lost them in coming up the coast. Now if you will make some allowance I will work hard to get through my duties and when they are completed I must not annoy you by leaving you suddenly again. Poor Papa must have great trials at present. I feel very much for him. Monday 24th I had a sleepless night thinking of poor Douglas. I do trust pet that you are quiet and composed and that this fine weather is improving Mama's health. Take every care of both her and yourself and abandon all anxiety for me as I am in the hands of that Almighty who preserves us all.