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I know the success of these things just now depends on the weather; but it may be right. I look on the destruction of the Lake Kaingas as nothing. They are sure to be cleared out, unless they bolt before Ropata gets up. The main party of the Ureweras are at Rua Tahuna; and a little more pressure will, I trust, get them. I shall have no time for Officials; so you must take this as all my information. What have you done about Native Land Court Sitting? Please see we have one here soon. There are a number of large cases interested, in which big sums of money are involved. Fenton is very snappish to Locke; and the other day, sent back all the papers about the Forty Mile Bush applications; and said they must come through some regular form or other. These Courts should facilitate, in place of obstructing business; and so far as the Forty Mile Bush is concerned, I hope you will take care that it is not omitted from the list of cases for first Court. I look on that question as of great importance, and a heavy card in your hands for the Assembly. Pray order a sitting of the Court without delay.