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Napier. May 17th. 1870. My dear McLean, I have just finished writing my address to the Council for tomorrow; and it is pretty late; so you must not expect much of a letter. I have yours by the ''Ashley''; and also your last by Bendall of the Star, to reply to. Vogel, I saw on his way down; and had some talk with him. Your last letters have been mainly upon the Taupo Meeting question; and I have now advised Poihipi that it must be deferred. I agree with your conclusion that if demands were likely to be made, which could not be met, that it is better not to have them made just now. After the Assembly is over, well and good; but certainly not now. I had no idea the Waikato's would have been so stiff as they are about the Wire and Road questions; but it seems Rewi, when at Tapuaeharara, the other day, demanded in the strongest way that Poihipi should stop his road and wire work. Old Poihipi behaved well; and told him to interfere when the work came on his ground, and not before. Poihipi has sent a messenger down to give me result of Rewi's korero; and that is it. Rewi told Poihipi that Tawhio and all Waikato should come to the Meeting. It seems a