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. WANGANUI WAR. The principal "Taki" or reason assigned by the natives, for the outrage on the Gilfillan family, - that led to this War, - was owing to an elderly man named Apu-rona Ngarangi Kawetua being accidentally shot under the eye, by a pistol ball; when leaving a house where some of the Military Officers lived, and where he had been, to receive payment for house-building, from a young mid-shipman of the "Calliope", to whom the pistol belonged; which it appears had been lying on the midshipman's bed, when the curiosity of the native led him to request a sight of it from the midshipman; and after satisfying his curiosity, he left the house; and the pistol being loaded, went off, and inflicted the wound that has led to the subsequent disasters. The native was immediately placed in charge of the Surgeon, and remained there for some time. On being asked how the wound was inflicted, he admitted that it was entirely accidental; and satisfied the Putiki natives to that effect; who partook of the excitement that drawing of blood naturally produces amongst them; and made a demand for the young midshipman as "utu" or payment for the Maori. Immediately, however, that the Putiki natives were satisfied of the accidental and entirely unintentional occurrence, they made no further noise on the subject.