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money, which was fixed at One hundred and fifty pounds (£150) I was induced to make the first payment One hundred pounds (£100) of the amount, the most of which I am glad to observe they are judiciously expending in the purchase of cattle; and the remaining balance of Fifty pounds (£50) to be handed to them on the 28th. of May 1848 as a full completion of the Deed executed by them, copies of which have been furnished to themselves, with plans annexed, shewing the name and boundaries of the lands they have disposed of. That there should be as little deviation as possible from His Excellency's instructions to extend the payments over a period of three years, I have told the natives they should receive a third instalment of £50 in May 1849, if within that time they relinquish their claims, and abandon their cultivations on a patch of land not comprised in the present purchase, though naturally connected with it by a river boundary (as is more distinctly shewn on a map handed to Capt. King for transmission to Auckland (; to which terms, I have reason to believe, they will accede, as the arrangements already concluded, appear to give entire satisfaction; and may, in all probability, lead to the acquisition of a greater extent of the fertile and beautiful country of which this tribe are possessed. Mr. Carrington, with a party of natives, and occasionally assisted by the police, is engaged with the survey of a tract of country claimed by the same tribe, adjoining the Southern boundary of the 60,000 acres awarded by Mr. Spain to the Company; but as yet the survey has not sufficiently progressed to enable me to form an acurate idea of the extent of the purchase, from the uncertain course of a river that forms its Southern boundary. I have etc., etc., etc., (Signed) Donald McLean. Inspector of Police. To:- The Honourable The Colonial Secretary Auckland. The difference in the order of dates is accounted for by this letter not being inserted here till the date of its transmission. See Prirate Despatch Book. (Signed) D. McL.