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We have had plenty of rain for the last two nights, which will be saving of the Flocks and Herds of the Province The rain also will do our Roads good where metal has been recently spread. I have paid your salary to your credit with the Bank of Australia. M. Fitzgerald desires me to forward the enclosed to you. We tried to get a meeting of the Club last evening respecting a new Club House, but there were not a sufficient number of members to do anything - in fact the Building Committee were not in a position to propose any site for the adoption of the members. The Building Committee think the Govt. Reserve near the Athenaeum the best site, but keep that a secret, waiting until the time comes to obtain it. In the meantime we have secured a written proposal from McNalty to let us have the present house at the present rental for the year, or if taken for 3 years at £250 or £1000 for the entire interest. The wisest course will be to take it by the year, for should we have not been able to obtain the House, and the Members had to manage otherwise in the mean time of our getting the new building built I am certain many of the present members would not rejoin it. Circulars are being sent to each of the members to know if they will subscrive or take up Debentures of a value of £60 each, making equal in interest to their annual subscriptions. Could nothing be done to stop the payment of interest on the Wellington Debt, until adjustment? Believe me Yours very sincerely, J.C. Lambton Carter.