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Turanganui, Nov. 27-11-1868. My dear McLean, The Gun etc. is landed. A circumstance has occurred vastly annoying to me -- as it shows the enemy are more alert than our fellows at the front. You will see by my official that the party sent by the enemy was small but their boldness is only equalled by their countrymen on the West Coast. My ory for Europeans I hope you will attend to, as I find it impossible to get the Maories to attend strictly to my instructions. Every man that I could with safety spare have gone to the front -- not by my orders as I had ordered them as a Guard on Commissariat Stores and Ammunition being conveyed fo the front, but these men have actually been pressed -- compelled, to stay up with the main body. It is only with Europeans I can keep up the proper Escort and Guard and these unfortunately are too few to allow me to represent them in the field. A company of Militia or Volunteers if you are agreeable to part with them will do good service on the duty I want them for. The party of Hou Hous who came down this morning numbered only 20 mounted men and ought to have been driven back by our fellows. Necessity I am certain compelled this move on the enemies part -- they will not get another chance of the kind. kind. Dont be too anxious about us -- our front is all right. Kind regards, from yours ever truly, Chas. Westrup. This slight affair is one result of Ngatiporou not starting at once as you ordered them. C.W.