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Turakina, 29th Sept., 1850. Dear Mac, The Laird and I have just had our meridian but unfortunately I cannot talk to him in Gaelic - I shall be ready for you by the time Pinniger returns as I have merely a few sections to mark off - I thought of surveying up the Turakina before we struck the boundy. but find it will take too long a time. We had therefore better walk up the River some 12 or 14 miles and strike a line from thence which will about hit our line at Rangitikei. I hear from "Old John" that Capt. Campbell is at Whanganui please to give him my best respects and the same likewise to all our old friends of the Mess etc. etc. Yours truly, Robert Park. I forgot to mention to Pelichet that I owe Sutherland for the use of his boat for the following days July 13, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26 and 27 8 days at 5/- a day, will you mention it to him (Pelichet) and get it settled Sutherland cannot take it in his own name but Letts will do - don't say anything to Sutherland about it but give him the money which Pelichet can get from Taylor and Wats by making out a charge against the Coy. R.P.