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15 October 1844 Gerongong My dear brother I take the pleasure of writing you a few lines to let you no that I am well. Hoping this will find you the same but I am really astonished at you never writing me this long time but I was glad to get your news the other day from a young man that lived close to you he said for three years. He is from Inverness. His name is Cameron McPherson. He told me you were doing well now and he advised me strongly to go to you and as the times are so bad up hear I have a great notion of going down their. I am still in my old place but the wages are getting lower every day. If you sought that I could make out a living any way down their I should prefer it afore stoping hear and it would give me great pleasure to be near you for I can asure you that I long much to se you and dear brother I hope you will not neglect writing me as soon as you will find this and if you think that I can do any good for my selfe.