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Mount Herbert 12th March 1863 My dear Maclean, Mrs. Russell is writing to Miss Maclean asking her to come and pay us a visit at Tacetime. My Brother is going to give a dance on , and I wish you would accompany Miss Maclean up country in time for the Races on Wedy. and Thursday. It will be a great gathering I expect, and I should like you, the elected Head of the Province to be here, that the Maoris may have a due impression of the unanimity of the Pakeha under the new order of things. Do come - it will do you good to have a few days recreation, and you will have an opportunity also of hearing something of the wants of the country; by conversation with the settlers in an easy informal way. If you can't come Miss McLean might come with Mr. and Mrs. Hill who are coming on a visit to my Brother. There will be lots of traps coming up, and it will be easy to arrange for the transmission of the requisite "toggery" by some of them, if Miss McLean prefers to ride. In haste, I remain Yours truly H. R. Russell