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Gisborne 16th February 1858(?) My dear Maclean, We have just heard to us the sudden death of the poor old gentleman we had heard he had been very unwell but did not think it would end fatally. Mrs. Stephen has written over to say she was to sail for here immediately as we know nothing here about the old gentlemans affairs James Stephen was going by the mail to Auckland to wind up the estate but thinks it best to wait till Mrs. Stephen arrives as she will be able to assist him in doing so. James Stephen in his hurry wanted to send Mrs. Stephen some money, and I believe sent it over to Outhwaite as the only person he could think of as Register of the Court and also gave him instructions to advertize for all the outstanding debts to be called in but I do not know Outhwaite and I should not wish that there was any delay about these things being settled a letter from you would be a great comfort to us as we should not like anything left undone I am sorry that James Stephen did not think of you as I would have been sure that every thing would have been done that ought. I have been going to write to you for some time but I have never had time nor inclination to write to any one as I have been sadly bothered with my station here which has been mostly all sold since I saw you and I have had hard work to sell things and get money to buy what I wanted land having gone up very much here, since the railway was fixed to come throgh here, the last I had to buy £13. 10. the acre and I wish now I had not bought it as I dont think it possible that it can be worth that I am building a good stone house within a mile of the Terminus to be so you see I have had lots to do. I hope you will come and see us soon as we have not forgot you old fellow and bring Douglas with you I hope he is turning out a fine Boy. I think you are the only thing that my boy Jack remembers in N. Zealand surely you could get some leave now in April - the communication is as much easier now I have a good three year old that will just suit you so you must come to fetch it, Ligar has settled close here but Mrs. Ligar has not come up yet from Melbourne remember me to all friends in Auckland tell Stewart I will write to him soon Yours truly, Thomas Hamilton