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off. He points out that he heard that money of the sum of £10 is not sufficient. Colonel Russell replies that he has not yet had time to go into the Education question; but fears there are no funds to help the Bishop. On the 28th. December 1866, the Bishop points out that the remnant of the Turanga scholars were removed to the Bay of Islands in 1865. He wishes much for a renewal of efforts at Turanganui, but the buildings there were all destroyed by the Hau Haus. He proposes to remove to Te Aute, but wants £1000 for the buildings as the proceeds of the school have all been expended on improving the property, fencing, etc., and adds that if Government does not help native schools, they must collapse. Mr. Gisborne remarks in a memo. that 8000 acres at Te Aute have been occupied for 8 years without any attempt being made to fulfil the trust of education, for which they were granted. He thinks the state of things at Te Aute, and the request for £1000 most anomalous, thinks the whole of the Trust Funds want looking into. Answered by being told that in Mr. Buchanan's