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Gisborne 31 May 1870. Honl. D. McLean, Defence Minister. My dear Sir, After I saw you on Sunday last I found copy of my letter to you dated 6th. ult. It is strange it had not reached you. I think I have been sufficiently explicit in what I have written, and hope you will assist me as the small sum I claim would be really of service in my reduced circumstance. You must have had a very unpleasant night after the day you left. There are some three natives here now that have returned from East Cape, namely Hemi Tutapo Rameka and Petera te Iwi Rori. These were not only confirmed Hau haus but two (the first ones) were against us at Waerengaahika. The last named is charged by more that one Native with burning several homesteads mine included. Had I have known they were in the district when I saw you I would have spoken to you on the subject, as it is I shall see Major Westrup as soon as he returns and lay information against them, as my fellow settlers as well as myself view with alarm the prospect of these fellows being allowed to return here. Should no notice be taken by the cammanding officer a meeting will be called and the Govt. memorialised on the subject. You may think me a little bloodthirsty but I do not hesitate to say these fellows and many others here ought to have been shot when first taken as that was not done, we do hope they will not be returned on our hands to work us further mischief. I hope we shall not have occasion to hold meeting on this subject. I assure you it is far from pleasant to me to find fault with the Govt. even by implication. Wishing you every success both politically and privately, I am my dear Sir, Yours very faithfully, J.W. Harris.