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Tauranga March 5, 1875 The Hon. Sir D. McLean, Dear Sir, In connection with an official letter forwarded to you this morning I take the liberty of addressing you a few lines privately. It may be within your recollection that I spoke to you in Napier, with respect to the unwillingness of the Ngatiporou to sell their land about six months back i. e. to the Government. I have not heard of the feeling has changed but I should feel obliged to you, if the Government entertain my offer or otherwise, to keep my offer as much from the natives as possible as it would make our position very unpleasant to say the least of it. Mr. Robson will be in charge of the station & will show you over it and should the Government buy will give all the aid in his power to purchase for the Government. Several of the leading holders are anxious to sell but no steps have been taken in that direction by us as the the base was made inalienable at the passing through the court the natives did not understand it at the time. Yours truly, G. H. Morris