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this time I expect a heavy fight as to price and Reserves. Still it must be bought before the Assembly meets - Our Provincial elections are going on - they are very quiet. 'Bill Colenso' is come out of his Shell again and returned for the Prov. Council. Altogether I think the new Council will be a very good one. I am corresponding with Fox about the steam service last Court old Sewell still is trying to make me assist from Prov. funds but I dont think it is fair. I daresay it will be arranged. I am very busy as usual, in fact have more to do - than I can do. I wrote you some time ago about the House - but I must continue to keep it as long as I go on with this work - so please make no other arrangements. We have had some- heavy rain and the feed is very luxuriant all through the country - and now I must close. Always, Yours very sincerely, J. D. Ormond.