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Arbitrator - Altogether I am very sorry he has taken so unfair and unwise a course. Gisborne is still south and I see they have brought a charge against Lemon for furnishing Gisborne with a copy of Stafford's Timaru speech. I dont hear how the case with the Daily Times is going. Fox is in Wellington with old Sewell - the latter is very innocent in all Native questions. I sent a copy of my official report to you on Ngatiraukawa's visit, to Wellington, and received a very fussy Telegram that he had written to you upon the subject. A few days ago he enquired when I expected to be able to connect Taupo with Cambridge by Telegraph, and just before that he asked me to report on feasibility of running Cobbs coach from Auckland to Napier. Last evening brought a Telegram from Moule which of course went to you also, from it, it wd. appear that Kooti is at or near Pa Puni and that Ropata is after him. Pa Puni is not far from Waikaremoana and between there and Ruakiture where Whituene had his engagement - I felt pretty sure Kooti was not far off by the facility with which the Wairoa Natives communicated with him and also from - letters I have