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of Scout Corporal Raymond - his idea of bounceable natives '' is something splendid. I was as glad as you to receive the news of the taking of Ngatapa, it is very absurd to keep back the details from the public. My notion is that Ngatiporou butchered the lot and that the object is to keep this secret. There is a report today that Kooti is taken - if so I conclude it will be by Ngatiporou who with Ropata were you advised me following him up. Of course little Whitmore will make great things of the Ngatapa success. We have the natives however to thank for first smashing the enemy and making him the easy prey for Whitmore which he lately proved. But for Ngatiporou, whom Ministers wanted to disarm, we should have been in a very different position to what we are now upon the East Coast. I shall be anxious to hear the particulars if Kooti and party are really taken. Do you hear anything now as to Govt. intentions with regard to dissolution. Some