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The only thing it is consistent on is in abuse of Fox whose total abstinence principles are not believed in. The shareholders of the paper have a meeting on the 14th and it is reputed the Waipukerau Russells and Wilson have offered to take a good lot of shares if the Paper will take their side. The present directors tell me their offer will not be accepted as it is certain if the Russells were known to have anything to do with the Paper, that wd. settle it - I dont fall out altogether with the Telegraph in the meantime so that I may not lose a chance of putting things straight. I have just looked over your last letter there is not much needing reply. About the Taupo to Cambridge Mail I think it had better stop at any rate until the Assembly is over, if it were going on it wd. require constant watching and it is best to have nothing going on likely to give trouble whilst the Session lasts. In the Spring I think we can carry it through. I am quite sure the Te Whetu meeting did good and will yet bear fruit. In my correspondence which I carefully keep up with Ngatiraukawa and Taupo I keep alive that question of the King keeping the West bank of the Waikato and leaving the East bank to us and it is being seriously discussed. The Taupo Natives are in great fear of Te Kooti, that wretch has as much power over them as ever he had and would play mischief