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Even on the showing of the Wairoa Contingent themselves during the last attack on the enemy's position, they were struck with sudden panic. Mr. Turton, who has excellent opportunity of judging, says, they wanted leaders, and thought that the presence of Europeans would have been encouragement to them. I also entertain this view. The matter is, however, full of difficulties. So rare it is to find men capable of working harmoniously with natives. It can be productive of no harm, and possibly of some good, to carefully consider the plans requisite for a thorough penetration of the dissatisfied districts. I will submit my views to your consideration; although I confess I entertain no hope of the Government adopt-Ning them. Mr. Preece, I regret to say, is laid up for the present with an injured foot. This would be productive of delay. I beg to remain, dear Sir, Your obedient servant (Signed) Geo. Worgan. To:- His Honor D. McLean Esq.