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Taranaki 17th. November 1856 My dear McLean, The steamer is, I believe, expected this week, but I shall post this letter, with a copy of Saturday's "Herald", per the Overland Mail, our opportunity. You will read in it a very excellent letter anent the Chilman affair, which the writer has watched carefully in Committee; and the letter loses none of its force from the writer having made himself responsible for what he advances, by affixing his own signature. Mr. Richard Brown is prepared, further, if necessary, to produce evidence on of Chilman having told Mogridge that he might use the But Mogridge did not care to interfere with land beyond his own boundaries, and so nothing was done. The silence of the Superintendent, Official and private, only betrays his own complicity in the matter. It may be otherwise, but one can arrive at no other conclusion. Now any movement on his part would