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Walapu February 12th./72. My dear McLean, I have just returned from Turanga after accompanying Col. Russell who was consluding all arrangements about schools. I had prepared the Natives some months ago giving them all the necessary information and all preliminaries had been settled so that everything went smoothly when he came. I think the thing will work well if we can only secure good and reliable teachers. Morality is an indispensable for success. Therefore as I pointed out some months ago married men should be preferred. Raniera Kawhia has been very ill and his wife dying. Col. Ruseell and I went to see him but I regretted his not being able to attend our meetiggs as he takes generally an active lead on these occasions. Old Morgan spent a day or two while Col. R. was here. He is strong about Schools - but still holds obstinately to Horoera. He would do much more good here. He does not like the Waiapu people. I wish something could be done for us in the way of roadmaking. I really dread next winter. Ropap has gone to Napier and tells me that he will see Ormond on the subject. I am sorry that I can give you no very interesting news. Life in a Native Distric cannot boast of much variety. My wife and youngstera are well and send their love. Ever yorus, J.H. Campbell.