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Government House New Zealand Feb. 27, 1872 My dear McLean, I have decided to land at Kaikora, and then to make my way overland to Christchurch, as it is quite uncertain if steamers can be got to call at Kaikora for a reasonable sum. As it is important that I should be back at Wellington about the 10th or 12th, so as to be able to write for the Mail wh. leaves on the 18th. I should like to start tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, or, at the latest, on Thursday evening. Fairchild says that Cape Campbell Lighthouse wants a visit soon; so, if you are not ready, the "Luna" cd combine that with landing me at Kaikora. I still hope you will be able to accompany me overland by Taupo and the Hot Lakes, as you have not been there for so many years. At all events, I hope you will meet me at Auckland, and use all prudent efforts to bring about a meeting in the Waikato - to wh. all my letters from England agree with that from Featherston in attaching importance - with a view of immigration etc. Pray come and lunch tomorrow at 2, when we could settle what I shall write abt. your late successes on the West Coast. Fairchild will take this and you can tell him whether you will be ready tomorrow or Thursday or whether I had better go to Kaikora alone. Ever yrs. G. F. Bowen