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Auckland N. S. Office Feb.12th 1861 My dear McLean, I sent you a few lines on Saturday through Mr. Whitaker who was forwarding a packet to the Governor by private hand. There is little news - A letter came in from Hori of Maraetai this morning stating that the Ngatipaoa have made a descent upon Maraetai and are dividing the land - The bearer of his letter says the 'taua' is very violent. And that he is afraid there will be a serious row The story about Hori's having asked the Governor to send soldiers there is made a great deal of I am sending Charon down to enquire and explain - Hori has written to his friends to come to protect him - he says he suffers this ill treatment in consequence of his taking the side of the Govt. in the war question - And that the name of 'Kiri kumara' has been given him - this is significant - I have written to him to keep quiet and do nothing to irritate: the Ngatipaoa may 'kotikoti' but they cannot 'kahaki' the land which after all their violence will remain for the question of ownership to be quietly settled by arbitration My informant may have exaggerated but if not the whole affair, looks ugly. We have been going on very quietly in the office - but few natives here - and consequently more time to attend to the correspondence department - The 'pile' is lowered each day but swells again - I should like to show you a clear table when you come back but am afraid that is unlikely - Rogan is back - he has succeeded very well at Omaha - No more at present Yours very sincerely Thos.H. Smith D. McLean. Esqr.J.P.