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or your children hereafter, but to arrange matters in such manner as to prevent any disputes hereafter, concerning the boundaries of the block in question. Your lands required for your own use; your eel cuts and fishing grounds shall be reserved to you, the boundaries of these shall be most carefully surveyed and marked off in the presence of persons deputed by you who will be witnesses of these surveys, the whole block shall be most carefully surveyed, and when I am satisfied that you fully understand the nature of the business in hand, I will upon your signing a paper to that effect distribute the compensation money amongst you. Let your minds therefore be made up, point out to me your various claims, let this be done upon mature deliberation. I do not wish you to be hurried in your determination, it is in truth a benefit which the Governor confers upon you, that you may live together with the settlers here in unity. Consider that without Europeans your land is comparatively of little value, by encouraging them you benefit yourself, so do not be hard. The jarring about land has been for a long time the cause of ill feelings between you and the white men, let it now be ended, and trust to me that no wrong shall be done you, for the Governor is a just man and he has sent me to you, my wish is to do good to you both, to be an umpire between you, that strict justice be done to both parties, therefore let your thoughts be open to me that I may know your wishes and intentions. If it were not for your benefit that this should be speedily and permanently settled your friends Mr. Taylor and McLean would not now be here to advise you, now speak freely and from your hearts. Mr. McLean will tell me what you say. The Money is on board the Victoria, and when we are agreed upon the several points in question, when the boundaries and reserves are surveyed and known to all, I will cause the money to be divided among you in such proportions so that no disputes may arise hereafter. (Signed) J. J. Symonds. To: The Chiefs of the Wanganui District.