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Stapleton Coromandel Novr. 22 1860 My very dear Sir, The news from Taranaki has made a great stir amongst the Natives of the Thames on account of the death of Wetini as he and Te Paniwha and Rawiri te Na are all descended from the same root Rawiri has sent a letter to Te Paniwha in which he expresses a wish to resent Wetini's death on some of the scattered Europeans about Paoranganui but the whole of the natives here refuse to have anything to do with it they say that if ''Wetini has been drinking tutu and got himself killed they will not follow his example'' Paniwha Maihi and Horopeta left here yesterday morning in the Eclair for Wharekara to see Rawiri they will try to get him to accompany them to Taupo and meet Korinake and Ngatiroa and then go to the Waiheke and see Patane and then go on to Auckland I believe that their object is to get permission from the Governor to remove the Body of Wetini and that would satisfy his partyI trust that the Government will grant their request Governor Hobson did the same with Maketu the clergy may object but I think that is an extreme case like thisthat the Government should insist I have known bodies removed in England after being buried in consecrated ground I thought that it was well to let you know what is the feeling amongst the natives on the subject they may not be at Auckland before the end of next week as they will be delayed on the way as I believe that the general feeling amongst the natives here with regard to Wetini is that it served him right I will keep you informed what is the movement here as anything occurs every thing is quiet at present. I have the honor to be Sir, Your obedient servant, James Preece.