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If Pete and Huru, who are, with Nekira, the principal people, - are gone back to the West Coast, I think it would be a good plan to get them to Wellington, and see if the Wairarapa end of the Bush could not be bought without taking it through the Native Land Court. I thought it would have been better to have taken that course with this and, but on referring it to Wellington, the opinion of the Attorney General was against it. I am satisfied if the purchase has been made without the Court that we should have bought the whole Bush without trouble, and for half what we shall now have to pay for it. I quite think it worth while seeing if the piece of country at the Wairarapa end cannot be bought without going through the Court; and no doubt if a beginning were made, the rest of the Bush would follow. Locke thinks Rangitane will come back directly, and finish the sale of the Rua Tanewha end. I am not so sure, and think Karaitiana is too much for Looke altogether. Karaitiana is stick-ing out for a big price, and he fully believes he will get it. (Since I wrote the above, Karaitiana has been in. He says Bush is sold, and the Rangitane are only gone back to communicate with their people before concluding.) I hear he is doing the same in the case of your Maori Run Lands; and that he is likely to be troublesome. Be generally now lets all the other grantees sell, and them he says he is the real owner,