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Letter from Donald McLean, Land Commissioner, to the Honble, the Colonial Secretary, dated 12th. August 1850. Reporting proceedings up the Whanganui river. COPY. Whanganui, 12th. August 1850. Sir, In accordance with the intimation contained in my letter of the 30th. ult., from Rangitikei, I have the honor to acquaint you, for the information of His Excellency, the Lieut. Governor, that, on the 1st. inst., I proceeded up the Whanganui river to Pukehika; where the Rev. R. Taylor had a Meeting of 1500 natives, which afforded me an opportunity of enquiring into various cases of dispute; of assisting the Assessors in adjusting them, and of ascertaining the disposition and objects of the natives, who instigated Pohe's recent visit to Rangitikei. Hemi Hape, the late ringleader of the rebel