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No 1 wages. I believe it is £70 per annum if so he gets them very easy. I of course have a long bill against him for cloths and tobacco and some £7.10 cash paid on his account. He would do very well if other men could put up with him and that he could be reasoned with and not act the gentleman so much in the morning. I do not think he was doing poor Alex any good for he could wind him round any way and spin him a long yarn, however I supose he will be brought to change his ways if you were once to come here. He is very sly and I never liked any aye servants. Malcomb McRae has been here 1 year & 7 months. His wages the first year was £65, this year £70 but he is a good sheepherd. He had from Alex to my knowledge £35 cash and £2 in tobacco & from me. Duncan Liveston was here 4½ months, his wages I do not know. He had in tobacco from me about £2 if he had any money from Alex I do not know. John Baker cook is here now 7 months. I believe his wages is £50 per annum. He had from me in goods £7 and he owes Alex some money for a mare he sold him for wages before. I believe it is about £8. The stock lad Michael Baldwin is here a year & a month and he has had in clothing etc.£7 and he says 10/- cash from Alex but he would not tell his yearly pay having been told to keep it a secret. Of course my books will show you long bills against all those that have been here before and paid of for clothing & tobacco & those things swell up the merchants bills but of course they go towards wages payments and all they get in that way is duly entered & counted against them. The man that I had in the gardin I still keep