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and for the sake of piece I left that off for a time. I was told by Pelist that 600 sheep died the first trip. That greaved me very much and I must say that poor Alex was not all to blame in that for the ship was not half fitted up. But he did his best to have her differently fitted up the 2nd time besides it was two late in the season also there is no use in saying any more about it now the deed is done. The agents are sadly to blame about the vessel. Had the sheep been sold here at the time they would have brought in pound a head. I believe it would have been better by far and sheep bought there with the money however it cannot be helped now. I was in great hopes that things would have turned out much better but it is to be hoped it will do better than we expected if Alex was only to keep steady I would not be the least afraid of his doing some good down their before he returns. I have my faults myself but I can always be steady when I am happy or things prosperous and some hope of doing better I can only say that the station if my wife & self can will be much cheaper than ever it was but we would require to make some change to what things are at present in having control over the servants of the place but when you come down if Alex does not come back that I can be soon done what was wested before now keeps her and me that is blood puddings, haggis and all such things. I was wanting here to send you one up. They are so good and I fear they would not keep all the way so we will wait till you come down. Eggs & at box of candles & butter we will send you as soon as we can get milch enough. The cows are just beginning to calf now, the fowls are not laying yet