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about Kawakawa Railway and Coal Mine. Gillies of course goes as Super, Whittaker acting for Coal Mine Co. All parties seem disposed to be reasonable so that I hope to arrange satisfactorily. Brogden is not unlikely to treat with the Company. Whilst at the North I shall try and see about Roads north of Auckland Mr. Marsden Clark is there I believe. Captain Turner the Taranga Engineer is here. It is high time the Bay of Plenty Roads were looked after. Turner I think a good man but as long as he can get authority to make Roads he cares little where they lead to. No end of Dray roads entirely useless were being commenced. I have gone carefully over the whole and will give definite instructions before he returns. What I have learnt with respect to Tauranga Roads makes me anxious to visit other localities as soon as possible. It is a great pity the Luna was not sent up here so that Tauranga and other places north of Auckland to which steamers do not go could have