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Warehouse for the Mosgiel Woollen Factory. Stafford Street, Dunedin. 13th Septr. 1873. Honorable Donald McLean C.M.G. Native Minister, Wellington. My Dear Sir, Our firm are now turning out some first class blankets perhaps you will not forget us as soon as you get over the bustle of the Session. The new Tariff is hurting us very much in this department after we went to the expense of over £5000 in Buildings and Machinery to make these goods I therefore think Government are bound to give us an order after passing a Tariff to hurt us which I am sure you would do in any case if you require Blankets. We sent up a Webb of Black Serge for A. C. Force as a sample we agreed to make it at 3/ and we have lost money by it as Wool Dye Stuffs Labour Timber etc. have all risen since - we are not complaining but I merely mention this as shewing our desire to honorably fulfill our engagements. The new Tariff has had a rather disheartening effect upon as as we have gone in largely for more plant on the faith of the Duties not being reduced on Woollens and we must I doubt lose money by this change. Yours truly A.J.Burns