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Onehunga July 11th 1866 My dear McLean I congratulate you upon becoming an M.G.A. which is merely a stepping stone to something more solid - I hope it may be so - I write to you now as an old friend to ask you to use your influence to get my position ameliorated - I am here as Resident Magistrate and Returning Officer with £325 per annum which is little enough you must allow for an officer of the Government who has served twenty three years. It certainly seems strange that other R.M. s with less work and responsibility got more pay - say - Coromandel and Raglan and others why should I be overlooked after my long and tried service for comparatively new men - I do not mind work in fact I should be glad to get more employment - I have written to the Civil Service Commissioners to look into my case - perhaps you would see Dr. Knight on the matter and do your best to help an old friend. O'Rorke will do all in his power so do what you can and I have no doubt that the Government will see that my request for an increase of salary is reasonable. Very sincerely yours John Jermyn Symonds D. McLean Esqre. M. G. A. There is a man here that is doing not much good, you will be surprised when I tell you it is Mohi - I have detected his character fully. He is a grasping, unscrupulous fellow. You know I have rather a talent for reading character - it did not take long to read his but I shall watch him. Waiapu September 1st./66