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Waiapu, November 26th, 1868. Sir, Although nothing has yet transpired on this side of Turanga requiring any particular notice I still consider it my duty to keep the Government informed as to the general state of the District. From Makaronia to Tuparoa all are active in preparations for defence - Pas are being strengthened and rebuilt and every precaution for security against alarm has been adopted - Sentries are posted regularly at sundown and none are allowed to move about after dark - This plan has been adopted at full meetings of Native and Europeans and approved by me. It has been decided that in case of any threatened attack, Waiapu, being the most available position for defence is to be the centre to which all within the limits I have mentioned are to resort. A very strong Pa is nearly completed under the direction of Korgan capable of containing 500 to 600 men and I am constructing with the assistance of the Europeans who number about 20 and as many Natives a strong Redoubt which when completed will I trust prove in case of need a very tenable position. South of Tuparoa there is not the same amount of energy shewn - Most of the Natives of Tokomaru have taken to the bush leaving Tanara the Chief with only a very few men in the Pa. The people of Anaua with Pita Hona have all taken refuge at the Mawhai a peninsula well adapted for defence and where there is a supply of amunition - The utmost unanimity and good feeling prevails here - I endeavour as much as possible to keep them all up by assuring them that although matters for the present look dark ere long we shall have such sympathy and aid from all New Zealand as shall sweep Hau Hauism from the face of the country. I have the honor to be, etc. etc. etc. J. H. Campbell.