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soil; and a native population of 800 souls, or probably more. Wawa te Kani, Otakirau's place, only 300. Te Wairoa, 1200 or upwards. A correct census and description of that part of the country, would be most desirable information, with a correct Export and Import return. One One, an old Chief, father to Tareha, and large landed proprietor, has just received a blanket and shirt as a present. Small gifts to these old men are well expended. In the morning Te Wiremu, the Chief of Wakaomo, near Castle Point, came to see me, requesting that I should not disturb his pakeha at Castle Point, (Mr. Guthrie.) I did not make him any promise; but Te Morena, who accompanied him, advised him, if he wished to secure his pakeha, that he had better sell his land; which will probably be the result of acting firmly in carrying out the Native Land Purchase Ord. He said his country was poor and hilly, not so rich as this and Wairoa;