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Wellington, Oct. 8, 1865 My dear McLean, The New districts Bill was refused admission to the House on the voices and I did not call for a division because I found the measure was unpalatable to many of our side. The fact is that the divisions of late except on questions on which the Govt. distinctly said it would retire have arisen from the most disgraceful log rolling. The Manawatou Clause which Ormond told me he knew would be thrown out by a large majority was kept in by a majority or 25 to 6. I believe Wellington bought Auckland and Otago on this by the promise to help in throwing out the Native districts Bill. I hear from Ormond that Rogan will not go to you I will write to him and if he will not go I will get you the best man I can. Will you suggest any one. Would Clarke of Tauranga do for you? Or White from Mongonui? Munro must stay at Taranaki for the present. I will send you a copy of the N.L. Act as it got out of our House. Tell Ormond I will answer his letter next mail. I am persuaded your H.B. chiefs will submit their claims to the Lands Court. If there be a good judge. The late conduct of the Wereroa Natives in shooting our Messengers of peace has sealed their doom I will have them utterly destroyed. The Peace proclamation has done this good It has screened the sheep from the goats God help the latter. Cant you get Rukomaire taken? that would end the war with you. Ever yours truly, James Edward Fitzgerald