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3 Crosby Square London 1st. August 1850. My dear McLean, I have much pleasure in introducing to you the bearer, Augustus Abraham Esq. a gentleman of high respectability, to whom I have been introduced by Mr. Henry H. Willis of London. Mr. Abraham is resolved to try if an adopted home is to be made on the fertile plains of New Plymouth, where he has already some land on the banks of the chief river there, which he purchased from the late New Zealand Company; the native title to which has not been extinguished. Upon this point Mr. Abraham is very anxious; and it would afford me much pleasure if you could assist Mr. Abraham; and there is no one in New Zealand who can so effectually do this as yourself, in getting the said title extinguished upon economical and fair terms. Mr. Abraham has with him Mrs. Abraham and five children; and I feel confident, from what I have seen of this gentleman,