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Ministers will obtain billets, and that the money raised will be squandered on useless officials Mr. Gillies when speaking thus had evidently in mind a series of unuttered syllogisms running somewhat after this fashion ''All New Zealand politicians are honest; I am a New Zealand politician; therefore I am honest'': ''All Governments having the disposal of large sums are apt to waste, if not job; the present Government will have the disposal of large sums; they will therefore waste, if not job''. The corollary to be drawn from the above is evident; there is but one man, devoid of human weakness, on whose incorruptible shoulders should fall the task of carrying out a policy ready found to his hand and of directing the expenditure; and that man is Mr.Gillies. The loan policy is the scheme of the present Government; it is to be presumed that they saw their way clearly before promulgating it; it is now law; and any Ministry replacing them would be bound to enforce it, with what chances of success we will not say. As then it has to be carried into operation, where is the advantage of removing the workmen who elaborated the machine and entrusting its working to others whose first aim would be to take away a wheel here, cut away a band there and stint the moving power till the whole ended in a general smash. If the measures be good, as affirmed by the House, let the authors reap the credit of them; if bad, let them bear the opprobium. But, for the sake of the Country, let us have no factious opposition which will, for the mere sake of having prophesied truly, only bring on the ruin which Mr. Gillies so lamentably foretells.