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Nelson 27th March 1868 My dear Maclean A relative of mine has written out to me lately, wanting to invest a few hundred pounds in land in New Zealand. He says he hears that land is cheap in N. Zd. just now - he does not look for any immediate return: but is willing to let it remain for a time with a view to increased value at some future period - How is it as regards land in your Province. Supposing that some one in the old country were to ask you to do this for them, how wd. you set to work. I daresay if I were on the spot, I could pick up some land very cheap somewhere in the Province of Auckland. The difficulty is if you are not there yourself to find a good Agent - What a misfortune it is that we are so fearfully taxed in this unhappy country. If we only had the advantage of cheapness now (cheap labour among other things) with the opportunity which exists of getting on to the land in the North island the wealth of the country might be very rapidly developed. But so long as we have to pay the present rate of taxation, high prices and starvation must be kept up - There is a good deal, indeed a great deal of embarrassment among all classes in this part of the Colony at the present time, but I doubt if we have come to the worst If the wool market does not improve it will be a bad look out for many of us - I suppose you have seen Moorhouse's memorandum to his Council. Were you not surprised at it? There must surely now be something done before long to simplify our Institutions of Govt. In case you shd. not have seen it I send you a long hastily written effusion of mine on the Finance of New Zeald. which I read to the league of this plage. I shd. like to know what you think of it: and how you and your colleague are likely to vote upon these questions in the ensuing Session. Talking of the Session, I have heard nothing of it as yet. It ought to come off before the appropriation act expires. I suppose the promised visit of the D. of Edin. makes this an exceptional year. But will there be any visit now. I shd. not be at all surprised if we were to hear that the Prince has sunk. A wound in the lungs is always very dangerous. What a deplorable termination this wd. be to an event conceived by the Home Country in the wisest and most friendly spirit towards these Colonies - What extraordinary fellows these Priests are. Are they better than the Maories? Who are we to have as our Maori Representatives? I hope they will be genuine Maories -none of your half-civilized humbugs Believe me, My dear Maclean Yrs. sincerely D.