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because they dread the Railway going there at all. Altogether it is by no means an easy purchase but I shall keep at it and do what I can as it is really a matter of great interest to all of us. From a Telegram of yours of yesterday I saw a Nelson surveyor was talked of for the survey of a line through the Bush. I am sending a long Road report down by this Mail and propose in it I shd. employ some one fromhere to do this end. Weber is I fancy doing very badly and would be glad of a job and he wd. be a very good man for exploring such a country. It will take a great deal of work to get the best line and will occupy a considerable time. The Nelson man might do the part on the West side of the Range and also the piece from Wairarapa to where the lines join in the Bush. Help to get this end for Weber please. He is a worthy fellow and very staunch to you. I have had lots to do since I returned and have large arrears to work up both Gen. Govt. and Provincial when I get it under a bit I want to see the different roads and have them put in order for the summer. I must now close for tonight. Always, Yours very truly, J. D. Ormond Please tell Fox what I have said about Disqualification and also about Vogel. This R. M. must be moved - the man is simply a fool. They have taken no House yet and have given us a reason that He is constantly expecting to be moved to a Judgeship. Please ask Gisborne to promote his protegee as soon as possible. Perhaps the Chatham Islands might suit him. J. D. O.