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Napier, September 25 - 1870 My dear McLean, The Lord Ashley is expected in the morning so I will get ready so much of my letter to you. About the Elections I think both our Seats are safe and I do not believe anyone will attempt opposition. There is no necessity for any address from you until the dissolution - then you may as well send a short address if you are not able to come. Meantime I am seeing the people here and keeping things right. From your last letter I judge there is no certainty of your getting here for a few weeks as you expected. I have had several talks with Kinross about your Run matters and he told me he was communicating with you by Telegraph thereupon. I don't think he has done much. Master Karaitiana is at the bottom of all the trouble in the various blocks in which he has his name. Respecting Mangateretere it is regularly in Chancery. The Court could not subdivide it as it had been dealt with If the Court could, Karaitiana, who is the only