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Auckland 31st July 1871 Morning. My dear Sir I arrived here on Friday morning all safe after a very stormy passage but with Capt.Fairchild and the "Luna" I got on safely and capitally. The Wellington did not arrive until Sunday - Matters generally are quiet, the Gold Fields looking as rich as ever "Caledonians" again £200 - Politically - The feeling is strong against Gillies - who - Reader Wood I understand is to act independent - . Other parties same as when we left - W. Buckland is going about talking very large against Creighton same as before - You are his great favourite - in fact generally - I am very glad to know, you are - I will let you know again the feeling regarding Mr.Fox and Mr. Gisborne - I presume the "Luna" will be back here in time to take down the Members on the 9th or 10th when I will take advantage of your kind permission to go down with her. I send you some newspapers - Yours very truly Charles O'Neill