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18 Dec./67. My dear Maclean, Thanks for Hectors Letter which is a long and interesting one but not a word about gold. I hear Birch has taken large Runs in Patea. If we don't look sharp we shall be/done out of that country. You have never answered my proposal to join/our party. Please make up your mind and let me know as it will regulate my movements somewhat. I have desired Messrs. Watt Bros. to deliver to you as follows case No.2 cy Ida Geigher-Octane pale sherry Case No. 5 case 2 doz. burgundy quarts 7 case 2 doz. mozelle quarts I thought you would like the latter in case the Prince also came this year, but if you don't just leave it at Watt's for me. You had better apply to him at once to have this wine taken out of Bond with mine tomorrow, as it will save trouble. I have told Watt that you would pay him the duty and all charges so that all you and I will have to settle is the cost price. I wish you could get my Wellington letters for me tomorrow and send up by Hamlin who is to start for here. If Hamlin has started perhaps Whitmore or Tanner can have them forwarded to me. I am very anxious to receive them as I expect to hear from Coy soon. I know you will attend to this about the letters so trouble you. I hope to hear that the valuation business has been put on a fair satisfactory basis for settlement. I see some of the pets of yr. valuation are opening a distant fire on me in the Herald. If I am roused I shall give them all a round of grape and canister and show that I am only contending for fair play. By the way I am surprised to find a Road party cutting timber - Matai - for Bridges at Mataimahi instead of getting it from the other side of the Bush where it is wanted to be used and thus save several miles of cartage. I offered Weber some time back any timber he wanted in that Bush Totara or Matai and the price to be fixed entirely by himself why he should after that go and take Rathbone's timber in an inconvenient place I can't imagine. It is worth your while to enquire into the matter. I am willing to all my timber for the Road between Waipukerau and Waipawa and much more handy to the line - indeed quite handy and better timber. I should like to have had the plan of the proposed Raod before me as very possibly I might have been able to suggest something. In haste, Yrs. truly, H.R. Russell.