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Turanganui 12th. September 1866. Mr. McLean, Dear Sir Since I last wrote we are going on as usual the natives are anxiously waiting for you their Patience has been sorely tried by your long absence they will not work, all willing to sell or let the land the Oil Springs have been surveyed and a plan made Mr. Preece have secured them Messrs. Rice and Preece returned yesterday from Waipu I believe they have secured some Country I am very much obliged for the Interest you have taken in my affairs in getting my money Paid Pene Hamui Bill I hope is paid Hatana was inquireing only today weather that Bill was paid Messrs Westrup and Clark have taken all the Hills and part of the Flat the Back of the Bishop's old place at the Pah I sold them 1000 sheep yesterday could you give me Permission to Build a Store on the Flat point opposite my Store it has been Leased by Green the River is to Shallow above for my vessels to get higher I trust you will settle something for this place I am keeping all my men on about 25 waiting for you to come and settle the matter and want to keep the People from leaving Everything is Remarkable Quiet. I have no Licence but I am obliged to open my house we have so many people comeying here In haste yours truly, G. E. Read.