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the Herald and the Telegraph on the same side. So much for that. With regard to your Run matters I have seen Maddock and Turton today upon them and it is arranged those natives who have not yet appeared before him and that Turton shall examine at once/he will go out to Paki Paki for the purpose settling other cases at the same time. I find that in Block 1 Ngatarawa the signature of Peremana te Umu is required. In Block 2 the Lease is not yet signed and in Block 3 Temera te Mateaitu objects to sign the lease altho' he he says he approves of it, also Te Paki Paihau has not signed. I have urged Maddock to get these matters completed without loss of time - he came to me for advice on it. There is not much to tell you of that I have not already communicated by Telegraph. I am to meet the Natives on the 26th about Manawatu purchase. A considerable majority of the Grantees and all the principal people have signed the agreement to sell, but I expect a good deal of trouble with the Reserves. Peeti and others coming by the Rangatira will be a great help and I trust to get the matter settled. From what I hear from Locke he managed very well with Ngatiraukawa and left Hori Ngawhare and old Maihi te Ngaru together in the same hut. Hori told Locke he was anxious to push Govt. matters