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On board St. Kilda Mahia 20th October 1868 E. Tuke Esqre. Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Sir, On the arrival of the "Star of the South" at Wairoa you will be pleased to superintend the issue of the provisions taking care to give a proportion to the friendly natives in the neighbourhood, there is a boat and two men for crew on board in charge of the Asst. pilot from Napier which is to be placed at your disposal if you can manage without the Asst. Pilot let him return to Napier. There is a quantity of flour and sugar put up in 50 lb bags which you may find useful to distribute to the Natives. Tarihas and Renata's men are fully armed and there is a supply of spare ammunition on board which you will please to take charge of and distribute, the casks of loose powder are intended for the fowling pieces which are not adapted for the Govt. ammunition. There is a case of breech loading ammunition on board which you will issue when required. I see the natives from Napier have a few breech loaders. I should be glad if you would generally act in concert with Mr. Deighton's consent the leading chiefs as to the plan operations to be carried out so that no divided council should exist and that all the tribes should as far as possible act in concert. This is also the desire of the Govr. as expressed by the Honble Mr. Richmond. It would be wise even with the present addition to your force that you should abstain from hostilities unless forced upon you till further reinforcements arrive. It is very important that any operation undertaken should be attended with success and this is more likely to be the case when the enemy is the attacking party. The chiefs from Napier Tariha and Renata will cooperate but of course will expect generally to act independently as far as giving orders to their followers