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This gallant driver, a young horse for which he professes as much friendship as a Moor would a celebrated pet Arab but for which in reality he cares less than he does for a glass of grog. This evening as Charlie was riding home from Capt. Smith's he got a grand capsize in the mud much to the amusement of all our party. I think you will find as much difficulty in reading Charlies speech as I do in understanding your wicked broad Scotch or as you do in understanding my Highland, but wait a wee. It was only this forenoon that the ladies of Capt. Smith's establishment had a debate as to whether I was Irish or Scotch. Fancy that my bonnie lassie after all your declamations about my strong Highland accent which I am endeavouring to improve by talking as much Gaelic as I can so that by my return I shall be wonderfully improved to your ladyship's satisfaction. It was quite a delightful feeling yesterday to open the Wairarapa valley from a rough rocky woody range. I felt quite thankful