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New Plymouth May 15, 1857 My dear Sir, The Zingari is back again but not in time to pick up the mail so abruptly left behind last Saturday. Nothing new here - Our friend Ihaia remains firm in his purpose to endeavour to break up the Land League, and Mr. Whiteley is doing all in his power in a quiet way to effect the same end. Katatore again repeated in my hearing that the Europeans would have the land when he is dead - an event not far distant if he continues to drink raw spirit as I would light beer under the effects of a tropical sun. I was astonished to see him toss off glass after glass at Hoewaka where he was entertained by Tahana last Tuesday, a bottle of rum was placed on the table under the supposition that it was wine and when about to be removed, he laid hold of it, saying that it was just the article he liked and from motives of politeness, his guest could not take it away - Mr. Parris received a letter by the Zingari offering him the appt. of District Comr. here at a salary of £200, on the understanding that he relinquished his mercantile transactions with the natives - He intends to decline the offer as £300 is the lowest salary he will accept. I send you a copy of our new paper which came out yesterday for the first time. Dr. Wilson has been ill but is I am glad to say much better and able to get out. Faithfully yours H. Halse To:- McLean Esq.