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to people, for jurisdiction being limited to £20; and it is to remedy that temporarily I have asked Gisborne to appoint Anderson; and he is now appointed acting R.M. If you look at the ''Herald'' of yesterday (6th. May) you will see what I proposed about your Akitio Run fence. I do not know until the Council meets, what they may be inclined to do. The danger is not so imminent as it seemed a little while ago; and it may be difficult to get anything done. I fear, however, that it will come true sooner or later, and I think to fence the Whites' boundaries, is the best safeguard. Your overseer proposed to make your Akitio run a cattle run, but I do not think it is at all suitable for it, nor does Peacocke, whom I sent down to look at it, and report to me. Tollemache is gone back to Wellington. The old chap has done nothing yet in the way of reduction of interest, and Gollan says he does not mean to, owing the present term of any of his mortgages. It is only those which are expiring, which he is thinking of reducing upon. I want to hear from you as