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Tauranga 23rd February 1867 My dear McLean I have not had an opportunity of telling you till now that I took advantage of the return of some of the Natives who accompanied St. George to Wanganui to go by that route to Taupo instead of availing myself of your kind offer to go with the Natives from Napier - After a pleasant but roughish journey we arrived here all right yesterday evening - The natives are not near so anxious to lease their land nor is the good sheep country near so extensive as I expected. After some difficulty and only upon agreeing to pay a long figure I have succeeded in getting one smallish run at the North end of Taupo - I think it will feed at present about 5 or 6000 sheep, but I may be too sanguine - Now the question is how best to stock it. I want very much to get 2000 ewes on it summer, and my friend Mr. Hector - whom I beg by this to introduce to you - purposes visiting Napier to ascertain at what price Ewes can be purchased or on what terms they can be obtained for grazing - and I shall take it as a very great favor if you will give him the benefit of your advice and experience in this matter - I hope to be at Napier myself with Mrs. Holt about the 12 prox. when I shall meet Mr. Hector and shall if possible conclude some arrangement for getting sheep - Believe me Yours very faithfully J. Holt